Tips For Responding To Domestic Violence

Did you know that approximately one in four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime? Unfortunately, domestic violence is very pervasive in American culture. Whether you're currently in a relationship or would like to be in one down the road, it's important that you understand what constitutes domestic violence and how you can respond to it in a way that puts your own personal health and well being at the forefront.a

Leave and Get Help

A lot of times, domestic violence happens once before the offender apologizes profusely and promises never to do it again. Unfortunately, this is often a perpetual cycle, as very few offenders will actually stop abusing the person they supposedly love without getting help. Therefore, sometimes the best thing a victim can do is to simply leave the situation, either temporarily or permanently. By leaving, the abuser can see first hand that his or her actions have consequences, which may actually encourage them to get the help they need or change their ways.

Understand the Law

First of all, understand that there are all kinds of laws and regulations in place regarding domestic violence and that the law is on your side. If you've been the victim of domestic violence and are in fear for your own safety, you can request an emergency protective order, which will legally prevent the person from coming into contact with you. Furthermore, understand that if you contact the police immediately after the violence has occurred and you have evidence of the violence (such as a bruise, scratch, or cut), the police may arrest the person responsible and charge him or her with a felony.

Don't Make Excuses

One of the worst things you can do if you're a victim of domestic violence is continuing to make excuses for the abuser. Not only does this encourage him or her to continue with the abusive behavior, but it tears down your own self-worth and confidence. All too often, victims will blame themselves for the abuse, reasoning that they must have done something to make the abuser very angry. Simply put, however, there's no excuse for domestic violence and it should never be tolerated. Stop making excuses now before you actually start to believe them.

Dealing with domestic violence in a relationship is a difficult position to be in; by keeping these tips in mind, however, you can get through this difficult time in your life.

To learn more about your domestic violence rights, contact an attorney like Gerald Mack Freeman atty
