The FAQs Of Workers' Compensation

While so many employees are injured at work each year, it is incredibly common for employees not to understand exactly what workers' compensation is. Don't get left behind when you face an injury or accident as a result of the workplace. The answers are available. This FAQ offers answers to your most basic questions about workers' comp.

What is workers' compensation?

Workers' compensation refers to the benefits an employee is eligible to receive following a work-related illness or injury. Perhaps you hurt your back in a slip-and-fall accident, or maybe a chemical common in your workplace burned you. You might have an arm injury caused by repetitive movements, and perhaps your hearing is disappearing thanks to loud machinery. Each of these injuries might be eligible for workers' compensation.

What should I do if I get an injury on the job?

The first thing you should do after getting injured on the job is to report to a supervisor immediately. If you do not report the accident, you could delay or prevent your benefits altogether. You could even lose the right to compensation if your employer does not have the opportunity to investigate the incident. Typically, notification within 30 days is essential, and sooner is better.

What kind of coverage could I receive for workers' compensation?

Typically, workers' compensation begins with coverage for medical care. This includes funds to pay for recovery and treatment for the problem caused at work. You may also be eligible to receive temporary disability benefits, including lost wages during recovery and treatment. Permanent disability benefits are also an option, which cover payment if you do not recover and are unable to return to work. In some cases, workers' comp will even pay for you to retrain for a new skill so that you can return to work in a different field. In the sad event that you pass away due to the illness or injury, death benefits may also be provided for your dependents, including children and spouse.  

What are the responsibilities of my employer before an injury or illness occurs?

First, your employer must either become self-insured or obtain compensation insurance. Additionally, employees should be made aware of both their rights and their responsibilities as far as workers' compensation goes. If you are unfamiliar with the rules concerning workers' comp in your workplace, it is wise to speak with a supervisor for more information.

Ultimately, workers' compensation should not be a mystery. It is only fair that employers treat their employees with respect, and this includes providing coverage in the case of a terrible accident.

To learn more about your legal rights, contact a law firm like Williams Williams & Bembenek PC
